The Shop Goes Live!

I’ve been quite excited about getting this done for a long time. Getting a shop up and running was always on the cards for the new website, but we hit a few difficulties getting the solution that worked best. I think we’ve finally cracked it!

Aside from my prints, I also sell a selection of garments with my designs on them when I go to conventions and the like. However, in the long spells between convention season, these garments are often just sitting in a box, lonely and wanting to be worn. So, I thought I’d offer them for sale online. Of course, these garments do not represent the full range of t-shirts with my designs and I do not regularly maintain stock outside of convention season, so at the moment, what you see is what I have and I’m unlikely to re-supply them for a while.

Also, some of the garments in my shop are currently out of print so you may never get a chance to buy them again!

I’ve put a selection of popular prints for you to buy straight away, but if there’s anything from the site you’d like to have as a print that’s not for sale, please get in touch. I’ll be adding more to the shop through the year, but not all are available as prints just yet.

Go see for yourself by visiting the shop.

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2 Responses to The Shop Goes Live!

  1. DragonWolf says:

    I enjoy this site very much

  2. therese says:

    I like the art

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